

申报所得税可以说是成年人最不有趣的部分之一. (结肠镜检查? 好吧,也许. 但是,如果你到期了,还是要去买一个.我们知道,我们缴纳的税款为美国重要的基础设施提供了资金, but figuring out how much we are owed (or how much we owe) is often cumbersome and complicated, 即使在最好的时候. 加入一个重大的生活变化——比如搬家, 婚姻, 离婚, side hustle or sickness – and the task of filing taxes can rise even higher on the aggravation scale. 


如果你在2022年经历了什么不寻常的事情, here’s a rundown of what to consider as you (or your tax professional) prepare to file.



If you received unemployment benefits in 2022, you should receive form 1099-G in the mail. It will show the gross amount of unemployment income you received and how much was withheld for taxes.


If it seems counterintuitive that you’re paying taxes on unemployment income because you’re out of work and not bringing in income, 你并不孤单. 和, 这取决于你失业的时间, 你可能会发现自己现在交不起税. 你仍然需要在4月18日截止日期前提交你的税,并与税务局合作 国税局创建付款计划.



关系状态的改变可能需要改变你的纳税申报状态.g. whether you file as single, head-of-household, married filing separately, married filing jointly). This is a big one because your tax bracket (and ultimately the amount you pay) is determined by marital status, 你声称有几个孩子, 你的工作和其他一些因素.


Your relationship status on the last day of every year determines what filing status you can use. Strategically, you should pick the filing status that will save you the most in taxes. 需要记住的一些事情:




如果你在2022年正式结婚,恭喜你! The “married filing jointly” filing status is often more financially beneficial than choosing “married filing separately,注册会计师罗斯·瑞斯金说, 美国新沙巴体育网服务学院税务助理教授. 当然,也有例外. Riskin指出,如果你和你的配偶都是高收入者,而且收入相似, 当你联合报税时,这些因素加在一起可能会让你的纳税等级更高.




如果你离婚了,正在支付或接受赡养费, 2017年的减税和就业法案意味着它不再被计入应税收入. 对于支付它的人来说,它也不是可扣除的. 12月31日你的婚姻状况, 2022年(或上述任何一年的最后一天)将影响您的报税方式. 如果你在年底前没有正式离婚的话, 你们仍然可以共同纳税, 这样可以为你们俩省钱.


另一件需要讨论的事情是谁声称孩子是受抚养人. “通常监护权的父母会认领孩子,Riskin说, “but it’s not uncommon for the custodial parent to release the exemption to the non-custodial parent, 或者让父母在为子女申报纳税时交替进行.“申请一个孩子也可以让你申请其他税收抵免. 例如, if you plan on claiming the American Opportunity Tax Credit for your college student, 你报税时必须把孩子列为你的受抚养人, 不管你是否是支付大学费用的家长.


如果你最近离婚了, you may be looking for bigger picture financial guidance as you navigate a new budget, 管理家庭开支, 还有更多. 如果是这样, 财务修复辅导 program can offer some helpful financial hand-holding (and one-on-one help) to make sure all your bigger 目标s are on track for saving and retirement.




如果你的爱人今年去世了, you can continue to use the same filing designation you used when they were alive (e.g. 结婚(共同报税), 注册会计师索菲亚·达菲说, assistant professor of business planning at The American College of Financial Services.


For the tax years after their death, however, you will need to adjust your filing status. 经济上最有利的是寡妇身份, 哪一种情况允许您申报单一状态申报者的双倍标准扣除额. 你可以在纳税申报单上使用它,如果…

  • 在配偶去世的那一年,你有资格与配偶共同申请结婚申请.
  • 你在配偶去世的纳税年度没有再婚.
  • 你声称一个孩子(继子女或收养的孩子)是你的受抚养人. 这不适用于寄养儿童.
  • 你支付了一半以上的房屋维护费用.
  • 否则,你需要以单身及/或一家之主的身份提交申请.


如果你出售继承的财产,配偶的死亡也会影响你的纳税方式, 最明显的是投资账户资产. “你可以在继承财产的基础上得到提升, 这意味着当你出售房产时,你将支付更低的资本收益, 如果你在你的配偶还活着的时候卖掉房产,你会得到多少钱,达菲说.


新生婴儿, expanding the family through adoption or taking adult family members (like parents) under your wing are all things that impact how you account for dependents when filling out your tax return.


If you blended a family and added older kids to the household who are still dependents (e.g. full-time college students), look into the Family Tax Credit, which is worth up to $500 per kid. If you had a baby, you’re most likely eligible to receive the child tax credit if you live in the U.S. 你的孩子是美国公民.




美国国税局对受抚养人的定义并不局限于孩子. 如果你要照顾年迈的父母或其他有特殊需要的亲戚, 看看你是否有资格获得符合条件的受抚养人的减免和抵免, 如受抚养人护理抵税额或其他受抚养人抵税额. 每个符合一定条件的受抚养人的最高抵免额为500美元, 这里定义 由美国国税局.




如果你在2022年通过收养扩大了你的家庭, 儿童收养抵税额最高可达14美元,每个孩子890美元的税收抵免, 取决于你的家庭 修正调整后的总收入. 只有欠联邦所得税的父母才能使用这项抵免. 重要的是要注意,收养抵免不适用于收养继子女. 然而,它对收养孙子的祖父母开放.




如果你的单收入家庭变成了双收入家庭,那就好好想想 填写你的W-4表格. Not withholding enough can lead to a lower refund than expected, or worse — owing money to the IRS. Don’t forget to keep withholding in mind for both your state and federal returns as well.


如果你开始了副业, 要想赢得国税局的青睐,就意味着要明白你是如何得到补偿的. Tax filing can be more complicated if you took on side work and/or any gig for which you received a 1099 (the tax form sent to you and the IRS to indicate how much you were paid for the job). As a “1099 worker” you’re responsible for paying both the employee share of taxes (Social 安全 and Medicare) and the employer share (FICA). On the plus side, you can write off side hustle-related business expenses whether you itemize or not. (更多信息请参见: 副业收入需要交税吗?)


如果你创办了一家企业,你会在家里经营, Duffy建议看看你是否能从中受益 总部扣除额, which is usually around $5 per square foot of space devoted to running your empire. Another big tax saving is the ability to itemize and deduct qualified business-related purchases, 比如办公家具, 电脑, 软件, 以及日常运营费用. 为了这些商业目的,你要确保保存和整理好所有的收据.


Lastly, if you retired this year, be careful about when you claim your Social 安全 benefits. 如果你在到达之前就开始服用 法定退休年龄 (which is 67 if you were born after 1960), you’ll permanently reduce your monthly payout.




Medical issues can quickly become tax issues if you don’t follow the IRS’s rules to the letter. The bar is set high for deducting unreimbursed medical expenses — you can only take the deduction if costs exceed 7.调整后总收入(AGI)的5%. But an adjustment in your filing status — filing as married filing separately instead of married filing jointly — may put that deduction threshold within reach. 也就是说, 一定不要忽视经济救济的机会, 比如打电话要求减少你的账单, or asking for an itemized copy of all charges incurred while you were at the hospital so you can request a line-by-line explanation for all charges (and possibly spot charges that shouldn’t be there!)*





*CUofCO不提供税务、法律或投资建议. 本信息不代表官方税务或法律建议, and you should always consult your tax or legal advisor with questions regarding tax issues.